Bastard Sun

A series of 35mm photographs and text, 1998 - 2024.

From the publication ‘Bastard Sun’, Distanz Verlag, 2023.


A series of 120mm photographs, found sound, text, 2005.

But most remarkable of all was the subdued voice of men, speaking in many languages and many more dialects, that was in the process of becoming a single unified utterance, as if they all spoke with the same mouth. These men - sometimes exchanging brief comments, sometimes pouring out in long monologues - left the long-faced receptionist perfectly indifferent, who, for over an hour now, had been engaged in a seemingly important conversation on her phone. She could not spare her time for things as trivial as the men’s comments, besides they spoke in a language she couldn’t understand which only confirmed her intention to remain uninterested. and who would blame her?


Laboratory For the Future

A series of 120mm photographs, color and B/W, text, archive material.

I left the factory with a handful of 120mm negatives and two rolls of 8mm film, shot in 1972 by the factory worker, Vladimir Grigalashvili. Later, in Tbilisi, the project nearly came to a halt when I accidentally left the negatives in a mini cab before my flight to London. The taxi driver found the folder and returned it to my parent’s house. I never got the chance to thank him.
My grandmother retired in 1988, she is now eighty three. She lives in the countryside and makes her own wine. I am thirty five, a single mother like her, I also work at the factory.



6x6 negative prints, black cardboard, ink.
Tbilisi. London. 2006 -

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